New constitution was issued.(Politics)

At T13101, congress discussed and passed bill of new constitution which was made by extra president Runaha, and congress issued it. New structure of government is written in Government of Garnet Star Federation(T13101).



line-up of Runaha's cabinet revealed.

At T13101,Runaha announced his new cabinet.

  • Minister for Agriculture:Naryo
  • Minister for Commerce:Norin
  • Minister for Finance:Kaire
  • Minister for Justice:Ranol
  • Minister for Environment:Tsunie
  • Minister for Ocean and Infrastructure:Riyol
  • Minister for Industry and Resources:Riyol
  • Minister for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Rehal
  • Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare:Rinol
  • Minister for foreign affairs:Runaha
  • Minister for Navy:Hagiwa
  • Minister for Army:Rarick

Norin and Kaire, Tsunie, Rarick joined the cabinet at the first time. Runaha serves Minister for foreign affairs on and on previous cabinet. Also, Runaha will be called "President Nazonohito" on the international society.


Port was rebuilt, and resources are imported again.

Port which was disappeared by meteorite when government was failure was rebuilt, and import of resouces was restarted. Amount of import is 3 Ag ores and 20 Petroleums from Is. Erik, 12 Cu ores from Is. Molde, and 4 Bauxites from Is Singo. They are huge quantities of resouces, so we expect that they are helpful for economy.


Government announced the annexation of Is. Molde.

Government announced at T13101, the federation annexed Is. Molde. Because, Is. Molde declared that all of its resouces will be transfered when government of Is. Molde collapsed. But this declaration isn't fulfilled after nearly 30 years(1300 turns).
Government annouced at once, the federation send some marine divisions in the near future, and they protect Is. Molde and build autonomy government. However, economic ability of the federation is still unstable, so there is no telling when the work will be practiced.



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Last-modified: 2014-09-26 (金) 19:05:00 (3638d)