The Red Brightness No.26 (T13101)
] [
*New constitution was issued.(Politics) [#c5d5e479]
At T13101, congress discussed and passed bill of new cons...
*Society [#y76f6268]
** [#y57938fb]
*Politics [#c4242640]
**line-up of Runaha's cabinet revealed. [#q5d0625f]
At T13101,Runaha announced his new cabinet.
-Minister for Agriculture:Naryo
-Minister for Commerce:Norin
-Minister for Finance:Kaire
-Minister for Justice:Ranol
-Minister for Environment:Tsunie
-Minister for Ocean and Infrastructure:Riyol
-Minister for Industry and Resources:Riyol
-Minister for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Tec...
-Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare:Rinol
-Minister for foreign affairs:Runaha
-Minister for Navy:Hagiwa
-Minister for Army:Rarick
Norin and Kaire, Tsunie, Rarick joined the cabinet at the...
*Economy [#b7e9b917]
**Port was rebuilt, and resources are imported again. [#n...
Port which was disappeared by meteorite when government w...
*International [#x3e14b37]
**Government announced the annexation of Is. Molde. [#f4a...
Government announced at T13101, the federation annexed Is...
Government annouced at once, the federation send some mar...
*Culture [#fb59c3a7]
** [#g9f607e0]
*Others [#jdf5bc78]
*New constitution was issued.(Politics) [#c5d5e479]
At T13101, congress discussed and passed bill of new cons...
*Society [#y76f6268]
** [#y57938fb]
*Politics [#c4242640]
**line-up of Runaha's cabinet revealed. [#q5d0625f]
At T13101,Runaha announced his new cabinet.
-Minister for Agriculture:Naryo
-Minister for Commerce:Norin
-Minister for Finance:Kaire
-Minister for Justice:Ranol
-Minister for Environment:Tsunie
-Minister for Ocean and Infrastructure:Riyol
-Minister for Industry and Resources:Riyol
-Minister for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Tec...
-Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare:Rinol
-Minister for foreign affairs:Runaha
-Minister for Navy:Hagiwa
-Minister for Army:Rarick
Norin and Kaire, Tsunie, Rarick joined the cabinet at the...
*Economy [#b7e9b917]
**Port was rebuilt, and resources are imported again. [#n...
Port which was disappeared by meteorite when government w...
*International [#x3e14b37]
**Government announced the annexation of Is. Molde. [#f4a...
Government announced at T13101, the federation annexed Is...
Government annouced at once, the federation send some mar...
*Culture [#fb59c3a7]
** [#g9f607e0]
*Others [#jdf5bc78]